Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Silent Readers

I've always wondered just how many people read these posts, or anybody's posts, because 99 percent of the time, there are no comments.

Since there are no comments, I just assumed nobody was reading my genius.

This apparently is not the case. Silent readers exist, lurking just outside the reading radar, checking in periodically on the blog yet afraid, or timid, or perhaps even mildly illiterate; thus, no comments.

My buddy ted has a site Stone Cold Pimpin' which is ridiculously more advanced than this simple little batch of excerpts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For God's sake, I pretty much read every blog twice by now, and I complaint about that so many times to you:) I am an insomniac, I need something to keep me busy, so please keep the new ones coming for this silent reader!