Thursday, December 15, 2005

Kong Is Racist?

Admittedly, I never thought of Lord of the Rings or Narnia as allegories for the Bible until the recent spat of articles on the subject, and I haven't seen the original King Kong since I was a mere scrub of a boy, but Kong as a depiction of the black man raping a white woman?

I guess.

If Aragorn is Christ, and Azlan is Christ, I suppose Kong could be "the black man." The funny thing about Peter Jackson's latest version is that Andy Serkis plays Kong, and from what I've seen, Andy is a white man. Does that mean that all white men aspire to be angry, oversized black men?

The movie poster for the 1976 version of King Kong shows Jessica Lange in the palm of Kong, with his giant hand coming down from above as she cradles his finger. I have to admit, the profile lends a startling similarity to a black man's cock and balls.

Was Star Wars another depiction of a black man (Darth Vader, voiced by James Earl Jones, and with a helmut like a penis) trying to take over the whiny little white dude's world, namely, his own son Luke?

Not to mention Kong finally climbs to the symbol of the white man's status: the Empire State Building, perhaps signifying that the angry black man is still just a little bigger than the biggest the white man has to offer.

Then again, maybe it's just a story of a big ape who dies.

The other argument is the pool table, where the white ball controls all colors, and in the final standoff drops the most elusive and dangerous color of all: black.

These are interesting arguments, but are they valid? Research shall show.

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